pure wilderness adventure
pure wilderness adventure
Stewart Island’s Sea Kayaking Specialist
“classic rakiura. Native trees and shrubs packed into a crowd on ragged hillsides, jostling each other right to the water’s edge; secret little beaches of grey gravel or golden sand wedged between green-growing headland; black rocks smothered with small mussels that no-one collects because there’s no-one there”
canoe & kayak UK
Explore Stewart Island intricate coastline with Stewart Island’s original kayaking company.
Based on the northern shore of Paterson Inlet, Rakiura Kayaks is just a short paddle to some of Stewart Islands best spots.
From here you can kayak to Ulva Island for lunch; Explore the amazing kelp fringed coastline from the unique perspective of your kayak; Or spend a week of total wilderness, living in rhythm with the tides.
Sorry - we’re trying to sell Rakiura Kayaks, so will be closed until further notice.... sorry!